Game Loki Adventure part 3

loki adventure

loki adventure

Everyone loves to be the hero. Spiderman, Superman, Thor, Wolverine, Optimus Prime, even Captain Jack Sparrow. Okay, you could debate the last one isn't always the good guy. But when you think about it, heroes always get all the attention. Maybe it's because the good guy always wins, defeats the villain, get the girl, and lives happily ever after until Michal Bay or Sam Raimi makes the sequel, or the next comic comes out. So, instead of being the good guy, why not be the villain?

loki adventure

loki adventure

Bad guys have more fun, they get to do the evil nasty things the hero can't even contemplate, otherwise his shiny white cape will start turning grey and dingy. Villains can kill off their henchmen, kidnap the hero's brother, and dangle the love interest over a pit of fire, and it's okay. Not only is it okay, but it's expected.

loki adventure

loki adventure

loki adventure

loki adventure

loki adventure

loki adventure

loki adventure

loki adventure

loki adventure

loki adventure

loki adventure

loki adventure

loki adventure

loki adventure

loki adventure

loki adventure

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